SmartySprouts Tutoring
Personalized Tutoring Services for Every Student


Our Mission
SmartySprouts Tutoring is dedicated to providing comprehensive tutoring services for students in grades 1 to 8. Our expert tutors offers specialized support in all subjects, including French, ensuring each student receives personalized attention and achieves academic success.
Our Programs
General Tutoring : offers engaging tutoring for elementary students using games, mini-lessons, activities, and homework assistance to build skills and confidence in a fun, supportive environment.
Specialized Tutoring : offers literacy support, EQAO test preparations, and French language learning at all levels tailored to build skills and achieve academic success.
General Tutoring
30 or 60 minutes in person
$ 50 / hour
30 or 60 minutes online
$ 40 / hour
Specialized Tutoring
60 minutes in person
$ 65 / hour
60 minutes online
$ 55 / hour
French Tutoring
60 minutes in person
$ 65 / hour
60 minutes online
$ 55/ hour
As a parent, I've seen a remarkable improvement in my child's grades since starting tutoring with Kyra. She is knowledgeable and supportive.
Sarah - Parent
My daughters French comprehension has soared after receiving tutoring from Kyra. She made learning fun and engaging.
Alex - Parent
I highly recommend SmartySprouts for their exceptional tutoring services. They helped my child build confidence in math and science subjects.
Emily - Parent